PR, Journalism And Outreach

Get Your Company In The News

Our PR and Journalism team are specialists in spreading the word about your brand. We have a great track record of getting stories covered in both national and local news.

Newspapers And Media Organisations We Work With

We work with a number of national newspapers, a broad range of local and regional newspapers, and industry-specific magazines and media outlets. We’ve also worked with radio stations and TV channels in the UK and US.

About Our Outreach Service

Working with you, we undertake campaigns that can help promote your brand. We may research issues that relate to your customers and aim to produce thoughtful and interesting pieces of research. We then promote this with our contacts in the media to help get the word out there.

Our service offers multiple benefits, but the main two are:

  1. Greater brand awareness, especially if the campaign goes viral or hits national news. 
  2. Backlinks and outreach. As a condition for publishing the story, we insist that all media outlets link to your website, boosting its trust and reputation—a vital metric when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

This way you achieve both short-term traffic and long-term growth.

Stories We’ve Investigated And Placed

Billion Media’s diligent team of researchers and journalists independently investigate some of the most prevalent issues and topics impacting the UK.

We have covered hard-hitting topics including birth injuries and trauma suffered by mothers and babies across the UK, Electrical Fires and causes in the home, Domestic Abuse, NHS Staff Assaults, Cancer Misdiagnosis and Knife and Gun Crime.

Our stories have been featured across the national and regional press including the BBC, The Guardian, ITV, Mirror and the Daily Mail.

Book A Free Consultation

If you’d like help spreading the word about your company or brand or want some help promoting a specific campaign, get in touch.

We offer a free consultation where we can chat about your wants and needs and how we can help you achieve them.

If you’d like to learn more about our services, click here